Monday 22 March 2021

Superman / Fantastic Four


I never thought I would see the day when I would read the title "Superman/Fantastic Four".

I never thought I would see the day DC & Marvel would release another tabloid size comic book.

I never thought I would see the day I would purchase a DC/Marvel & Tabloid book and think...well you will have to read.

Rather than explain the story here is a great link with the description from CBR:

Pencils Dan Jurgens & Art Thibert

Inked by Art Thibert

Colours Gregory Wright

Letterers Bill Oakley

Cover by Dan Jurgens & Alex Ross

The concept of Superman / Fantastic Four sounds exciting. First question is WHERE IS JOHN BYRNE?

Well Byrne knows where he is, or was at the time, with both companies. Byrne defined both Fantastic Four and Superman in the 80s, so this was a no brainer, however politics be damned, it wasn’t going to happen.

The crossover itself is mediocre at best and as far as visuals go Jurgens isn’t to my liking in comparison to let’s see, Batman vs Hulk which is a visual masterpiece.

Before everyone defends Jurgens please remember art is relative. I don’t settle when it comes to an epic idea like this. Some fans do settle or have a different palette. Good for them. You want the best out of any creative medium then you need to be able to take constructive criticism. In this case with comics so that we get the best out of characters and creators.

If I like a band and they have 20 albums but not every album is good, then I will critique. Blind love is not a way to go through life.

My friends and I are always a little irked by defensive fans who love blindly. You can be passionate about something but also realistically objective.

Dan Jurgens is a great idea man. Honesty I do like him. I liked him in the 80s. He hasn’t really evolved since the 80s. His art is basically the same angles, hand movements, layout etc. He kind reminds me of how I used to draw in high school: loose, carefree, a bit of a bronze age influence artistically but not the guy you would go to for an epic visual tale. So I like him, for certain aspects and time in comics.

Art Thibert is a great inker, I’m thinking Kevin Nowlan probably could have done some justice to the inks the way he did on Superman vs Aliens which is a visually brilliant!


The story as it stands is good. Not great, but really good. However a comic book is 50% writing and 50% art. If one of the 2 is off, you don't have the full potential of what it can be.

I give the book a C+ if not for anything the idea and format. Execution and art? I’ve said what needs to be said, my perspetive.

It’s only comic books folks, enjoy!!!

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